Tati Garcia

Self-Compassion As The Antidote To High-Functioning Anxiety

Self-Compassion As The Antidote To High-Functioning Anxiety Self-Compassion As The Antidote To High-Functioning Anxiety

Self-Compassion As The Antidote To High-Functioning Anxiety Self-compassion means treating yourself with kindness, love, and concern, especially when you are struggling. When you have high-functioning anxiety, it is all too common to have a strong inner critic: that harsh inner voice that beats you up and puts you down. The problem is that this harsh […]

How To Achieve Success Without Stress And Anxiety

How To Achieve Success Without Stress And Anxiety How To Achieve Success Without Stress And Anxiety

How To Achieve Success Without Stress And Anxiety Somewhere along the way you may have learned to associate stress and anxiety with success and accomplishment. A perfect example is taking a test at school. You may have learned that in order to do well, you have to study for hours, put tons of pressure on […]

Getting To The Root Of Your High-Functioning Anxiety

Getting To The Root Of Your High-Functioning Anxiety Getting To The Root Of Your High-Functioning Anxiety

Getting To The Root Of Your High-Functioning Anxiety Have you been trying ALL the things to manage your high-functioning anxiety and nothing seems to work? Maybe you have tried journaling, meditation, exercise, practicing more self-care… and it helps in the short-term but your anxiety, self-doubt, and tendencies to overcommit yourself just keep happening over and […]

How To Reframe Your Thinking With Lia Garvin

How To Reframe Your Thinking With Lia Garvin How To Reframe Your Thinking With Lia Garvin

How To Reframe Your Thinking to Free Yourself From the Patterns and People that Hold You Back with Lia Garvin In this episode with Lia Garvin, we discuss ways to reframe your mindset to get unstuck, how to manage difficult situations in the work environment, how to deal with imposter syndrome and perfectionism, and so […]

The Strengths Of Having High-Functioning Anxiety

The Strengths Of Having High-Functioning Anxiety The Strengths Of Having High-Functioning Anxiety

The Strengths Of Having High-Functioning Anxiety This concept might seem counterintuitive because how can struggling with high-functioning anxiety be considered a strength? But if there’s one thing I’ve noticed from my experience in supporting many clients and students who have high-functioning anxiety, it’s that they all have amazing strengths that they might not even recognize. […]

8 Tips To Feel Mentally Free With High-Functioning Anxiety

8 Tips To Feel Mentally Free With High-Functioning Anxiety 8 Tips To Feel Mentally Free When You Have High-Functioning Anxiety

8 Tips To Feel Mentally Free With High-Functioning Anxiety What does it mean to feel mentally free? It’s about feeling free from the shackles of fear, anxiety, overthinking, and worrying. It means having clarity in your mind, feeling present in the moment, and letting go of the thoughts that are weighing you down and keeping […]

How To Stop Caring What People Think Of You

How To Stop Caring What People Think Of You How To Stop Caring What People Think Of You

How To Stop Caring What People Think Of You It can be really hard to NOT care about what other people think of you. We are social creatures who have survived as a result of cooperation. That’s why it can feel so important to be liked and accepted by others, because we have evolved to […]

10 Things I Quit Doing To Let Go Of High-Functioning Anxiety

10 Things I Quit Doing To Let Go Of High-Functioning Anxiety 10 Things I Quit Doing To Let Go Of High-Functioning Anxiety

10 Things I Quit Doing To Let Go Of High-Functioning Anxiety I used to be the poster child for high-functioning anxiety: riddled with anxiety, self-doubt, worries, difficulty relaxing, and more on the inside, while on the outside to others I appeared to be calm, successful, and hardworking. It has been a LONG journey to where […]

How To Clean & Declutter For Your Mental Health with Angela Brown

How To Clean & Declutter For Your Mental Health with Angela Brown How To Clean & Declutter For Your Mental Health with Angela Brown

How To Clean & Declutter For Your Mental Health with Angela Brown Your environment can have a big impact on your mental health. And when you’re a busy high-achiever, it can be challenging to find time to clean and declutter (which is a form of self-care). In this podcast episode, you will learn simple cleaning […]

Are you a high achiever who is feeling anxious and overwhelmed?

You might be struggling with high-functioning anxiety.

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