Tati Garcia

Letting Go Of “Shoulds” So You Can Feel Less Stressed

Letting Go Of “Shoulds” So You Can Feel Less Stressed Letting Go Of “Shoulds” So You Can Feel Less Stressed

Letting Go Of “Shoulds” So You Can Feel Less Stressed The word “should” can carry so many emotions and expectations along with it. I used to live in a world of “should”ing all over myself and see it in so many of my clients when they first start meeting with me. The problem with coming […]

How Unconscious Beliefs Stop You From Overcoming High-Functioning Anxiety

How Unconscious Beliefs Stop You From Overcoming High-Functioning Anxiety How Your Unconscious Beliefs Prevent You From Overcoming High-Functioning Anxiety

How Your Unconscious Beliefs Prevent You From Overcoming High-Functioning Anxiety The unconscious mind, sometimes referred to as the subconscious, is the part of the mind which is inaccessible to the conscious mind but which affects behavior and emotions. Many times there are deep-rooted beliefs, fears, and past difficult and traumatic experiences that may be unconsciously […]

How To Separate Your Worth From Your Work

How To Separate Your Worth From Your Work How To Separate Your Worth From Your Work

How To Separate Your Worth From Your Work How much of your self-worth is tied to the work you do, the type of career you have, how much money you make, your accomplishments, and more? When your worth is tied to your work, you can be stuck in the up and down yoyo-ing that occurs […]

How To Use Neuroscience To Improve Your Anxiety

How To Use Neuroscience To Improve Your Anxiety How To Use Neuroscience To Improve Your Anxiety with Dr. Eugene K. Choi

How To Use Neuroscience To Improve Your Anxiety with Dr. Eugene K. Choi Dr. Eugene K. Choi, Pharm. D, is a Certified Transformational Mindset coach that helps talented, heart-driven leaders operate at their highest levels of clarity, energy and focus. With a background in clinical pharmacy, neuroscience, and business coaching, his unique science-backed process, along […]

How To Run Your Body Like A Business with Olly Wood

How To Run Your Body Like A Business with Olly Wood The Mindset Of Fitting You Into Your Day with Olly Wood

How To Run Your Body Like A Business with Olly Wood Olly got started in the business world after 7 years as an independent personal trainer. As he started online, he rapidly built a company to over 15 staff in his mid-20s, helping thousands of clients upgrade their body, energy and productivity through a 4-step […]

The Two Sides Battling Within High-Functioning Anxiety

The Two Sides Battling Within High-Functioning Anxiety The Two Sides Battling Within High-Functioning Anxiety

The Two Sides Battling Within High-Functioning Anxiety The two sides battling within high-functioning anxiety: The side that wants to achieve, perform, succeed, please, and do things perfectly… and the side that wants to relax, let go, disconnect, and switch off. This is an experience I witness over and over again in those who struggle with […]

How To Make Decisions When You Overthink Everything

How To Make Decisions When You Overthink Everything How To Make Decisions When You Overthink Everything

How To Make Decisions When You Overthink Everything It’s tempting to want to make the “right” or the “best” decision when you’re confronted with a decision to make. When you struggle with high-functioning anxiety, it can feel paralyzing because of the pressure you might put on yourself to thoroughly think through decisions because you may […]

How Mindfulness Changed My Relationship With Anxiety Forever

How Mindfulness Changed My Relationship With Anxiety Forever How Mindfulness Changed My Relationship With Anxiety Forever

I started practicing mindfulness some time in 2014.  To be honest, I’m not entirely sure what got me into it.  I know it must have come up at some point during me researching techniques to use with my clients in psychotherapy. I have always been a proponent of practicing what I preach, so I figured […]

The Anxiety of Forgetting Things (And What To Do About It)

The Anxiety of Forgetting Things (And What To Do About It) The Anxiety of Forgetting Things (And What To Do About It)

The Anxiety of Forgetting Things (And What To Do About It) Is it just me? It’s that feeling of panic and rumination that occurs when you just remembered something or just heard something that you know you need to revisit later and you don’t want to forget. So you repeat the thing over and over […]

Are you a high achiever who is feeling anxious and overwhelmed?

You might be struggling with high-functioning anxiety.

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