Tati Garcia

How To Create Balance For High-Achievers

How To Create Balance For High-Achievers How To Create Balance For High-Achievers: Calm & Ambitious Part 3

Calm & Ambitious Part 3 How To Create Balance For High-Achievers- Calm & Ambitious Part 3 I’ve often heard people say that “work-life balance” is a myth, or that balance in general is a myth. To this, I wholeheartedly disagree. Not only do I believe that balance is NOT a myth, but I believe that […]

7 Techniques To Feel Calm & Grounded

7 Techniques To Feel Calm & Grounded 7 Techniques To Feel Calm & Grounded: Calm & Ambitious Part 2

Calm & Ambitious Part 2 7 Techniques To Feel Calm & Grounded- Calm & Ambitious Part 2 When I used to work at a community mental health agency with children and adolescents, I often taught them about the importance of having a “toolbox” of coping skills when it comes to managing anxiety and depression. This […]

How To Declutter Your Mind & Stop Overthinking

How To Declutter Your Mind & Stop Overthinking How To Declutter Your Mind & Stop Overthinking: Calm & Ambitious Part 1

Calm & Ambitious Part 1 How To Declutter Your Mind & Stop Overthinking- Calm & Ambitious Part 1 By far, the #1 struggle I hear from people struggling with high-functioning anxiety is overthinking. That’s because the background chatter of thoughts and over-analysis of situations, future and past, can be uncomfortable and make it difficult to […]

7 Surprising Signs of High-Functioning Anxiety

7 Surprising Signs of High-Functioning Anxiety 7 Surprising Signs of High-Functioning Anxiety

7 Surprising Signs of High-Functioning Anxiety “People with “high-functioning anxiety” are described as productive, perfectionistic overachievers who suffer from fear and extreme self-criticism below the surface (Morgan, 2017).” When you struggle with high-functioning anxiety, this disparity between what you present to others on the outside, and what you struggle with on the inside can be […]

How To Deal With Imposter Syndrome

How To Deal With Imposter Syndrome How To Deal With Imposter Syndrome

How To Deal With Imposter Syndrome Imposter syndrome is defined as “the persistent inability to believe that one’s success is deserved or has been legitimately achieved as a result of one’s own efforts or skills.” It’s a pattern of self-doubt and a fear that other people will find you out as a “fraud” and realize […]

7 Tips To Cope With High-Functioning Anxiety At Work

7 Tips To Cope With High-Functioning Anxiety At Work 7 Tips To Cope With High-Functioning Anxiety At Work

7 Tips To Cope With High-Functioning Anxiety At Work High-functioning anxiety can show up a lot at work, and it’s important to recognize how to cope with it so you can prevent sliding into burnout, more stress, and frustration. Some of the ways high-functioning anxiety shows up at work that I’ll be talking about include: […]

The Secret To A Simple Morning Routine That Sticks

The Secret To A Simple Morning Routine That Sticks The Secret To A Simple Morning Routine That Sticks

The Secret To A Simple Morning Routine That Sticks Picture this: you wake up for the day feeling refreshed, step out of bed, and look at the sunlight pouring in through your window.  Instead of rushing to jump in the shower and start work, you take your time and do the things that light you […]

Ditch Alcohol and Gain a Happier, More Confident You

Ditch Alcohol and Gain a Happier, More Confident You Ditch Alcohol and Gain a Happier, More Confident You

Ditch Alcohol and Gain a Happier, More Confident You Karolina Rzadkowolska is a certified alcohol-free life coach who helps powerful women make alcohol insignificant in their lives. She’s worked with thousands of clients through her online courses and coaching to change their drinking habit and unleash a new level of health, happiness, and potential to […]

How To Set Healthy Boundaries With Family

How To Set Healthy Boundaries With Family How to Set Healthy Boundaries With Family

How To Set Healthy Boundaries With Family The concept of setting healthy boundaries with family simply means the act of drawing a limit on what you are comfortable with tolerating. It is the difference between asserting your needs and limitations, and allowing other people to violate or overstep them. Of course you can’t control the […]

Are you a high achiever who is feeling anxious and overwhelmed?

You might be struggling with high-functioning anxiety.

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