Tati Garcia

The Power Of Positive Self-Talk In Decreasing Anxiety with Jim Van Allan

The Power Of Positive Self-Talk In Decreasing Anxiety with Jim Van Allan The Power of Positive Self-Talk To Decrease Anxiety

The Power Of Positive Self-Talk In Decreasing Anxiety with Jim Van Allan In this week’s episode, I spoke with Jim Van Allan, vice president of schools and a professional speaker of over 12 years. Jim also hosts a podcast, Communicate to Motivate. In this episode, Jim shares his experience being a public speaker as an […]

How To Relax When You Don’t Have The Time

How To Relax When You Don’t Have The Time How To Relax When You Don't Have The Time

How To Relax When You Don’t Have The Time If there is one thing that is common in today’s society, it’s that everybody is busy. Even though we have technology and access to tools that have made our lives easier in many ways, we still have full schedules with work, family, personal hobbies and leisure […]

How To Stop Feeling Like A Failure And Recognize Your Worth

How To Stop Feeling Like A Failure And Recognize Your Worth How To Stop Feeling Like A Failure And Recognize Your Worth

How To Stop Feeling Like A Failure And Recognize Your Worth I commonly hear from those struggling with high-functioning anxiety that you feel like a failure, and as though what you are doing is never good enough.  You’re not alone in feeling this way, and it can feel extremely disappointing and discouraging when you are […]

What To Do When You Can’t Stop Overthinking Everything

What To Do When You Can’t Stop Overthinking Everything What To Do When You Can't Stop Overthinking Everything

Overthinking things is the number one struggle I hear from my audience.  I asked my Facebook group members what their number one struggle with high-functioning anxiety is. Here are some examples of those struggles: “Overthinking every tiny little thing and every conversation but no one else having any idea that I do this.” “Overthinking everything. […]

Why Always Being Busy Is Making Your High-Functioning Anxiety Worse

Why Always Being Busy Is Making Your High-Functioning Anxiety Worse Why Always Being Busy Is Making Your High-Functioning Anxiety Worse

High-functioning anxiety can make it difficult to relax because of all of the thoughts constantly swirling through your mind, and you might feel a drive to always be busy because you want to achieve more and be successful.  Although this desire to be busy can result in high-achievement and success, it can turn into a […]

What Causes High-Functioning Anxiety And How Can You Treat It?

What Causes High-Functioning Anxiety And How Can You Treat It? What Causes High-Functioning Anxiety?

High-functioning anxiety is not a diagnosable mental disorder, therefore there is a lack of research when it comes to the specifics of high-functioning anxiety. However, this phrase has come about to describe individuals who are high-performing and high-achieving but they struggle with anxiety within.  You might try to hide your anxiety from others and as […]

High-Functioning Anxiety Test

High-Functioning Anxiety Test High-Functioning Anxiety Test

When you have high-functioning anxiety, you are able to function well and even be extremely successful in your career, family life, and/or personal life… but the thing that nobody knows is that on the inside your behaviors are driven by fear, self-doubt, and avoidance, rather than feeling grounded and confident in yourself. This fear might […]

Reach Peak Performance Without Burnout with Alex Lianne Carter

Reach Peak Performance Without Burnout with Alex Lianne Carter How To Reach Peak Performance Without Burnout with Alex Lianne Carter

Listen Now: How To Reach Peak Performance Without Burnout Alex Lianne Carter is a High-Performance Productivity NeuroCoach™, Business Mentor and founder of Ambition Unleashed. She works with high achievers to master their millionaire mindset, supercharge their productivity and uplevel their leadership skills so they can create a greater impact & hit 7 figures –without burnout. […]

All Or Nothing Thinking Is Ruining Your Life

All Or Nothing Thinking Is Ruining Your Life All Or Nothing Thinking Is Ruining Your Life (Advice For High-Functioning Anxiety)

Listen Now: Are you guilty of engaging in all or nothing thinking?  You either view things as being perfect or terrible.  If you’re not perfect, then you’re a failure.  You use terms such as “all,” “never,” “always,” or “every.”  You focus on the extremes of possibility, rather than all the shades of grey in the […]

How To Stop Overworking With High-Functioning Anxiety

How To Stop Overworking With High-Functioning Anxiety How To Stop Overworking With High-Functioning Anxiety

Listen Now: Do you want to learn how to stop overworking? Does it ever turn into a never-ending cycle for you of just continuing to do more and more and more until you feel frazzled, anxious, burnt-out, and your body and mind FORCE you to stop? When you are a high-achiever who struggles with high-functioning […]

Are you a high achiever who is feeling anxious and overwhelmed?

You might be struggling with high-functioning anxiety.

Take the free high-functioning anxiety quiz by clicking below to find out. (You’ll also get personalized tips & resources!)