Tati Garcia

Why You Need To Stop Comparing Yourself To Others

Why You Need To Stop Comparing Yourself To Others Why You Need To Stop Comparing Yourself To Others (And How To Do It NOW)

Listen Now: Why do you need to stop comparing yourself to others?  Well, it just results in you feeling worse especially when you view other people AND yourself through a distorted lens. The tendency is to idealize the lives of people you don’t know very well because… you don’t know them very well, and especially […]

How To Increase Your Confidence When You Have High-Functioning Anxiety

How To Increase Your Confidence When You Have High-Functioning Anxiety How To Increase Your Confidence When You Have High-Functioning Anxiety

Listen Now: How To Increase Your Confidence When You Have High-Functioning Anxiety When you struggle with high-functioning anxiety, you might struggle with things such as people-pleasing, self-doubt, comparing yourself to others, focusing on the negative, difficulty saying no, and fear of failure.  Most of these struggles actually stem from feelings of insecurity, or a lack […]

The Connection Between Your Mental And Physical Health with Tim Davis

The Connection Between Your Mental And Physical Health with Tim Davis The Connection Between Your Mental And Physical Health with Tim Davis

Listen Now: The Connection Between Your Mental And Physical Health Tim Davis has been a science educator & coach for over 20 years; and he’s the author of TRIPOLAR: The Story of a Bipolar Triathlete. He’s a big advocate for mental health and physical fitness and their connectedness.  He has been in recovery for over […]

How to Stop Expecting the Worst

How to Stop Expecting the Worst How To Stop Expecting The Worst

Listen Now: Fear sometimes takes a hold over logic in our brains.  It’s because fear feels so real and so important that if we ignore it… something bad could happen.  This is what happens when you are expecting the worst.  You are trying to protect yourself, but often it just results in a magnification of […]

How To Let Go Of The Outcome

How To Let Go Of The Outcome How To Let Go Of The Outcome (When You Struggle With Overthinking)

Listen Now: How to let go of the outcome (show notes) Do you struggle with letting go of the outcome? This might be something that you are engaging in unconsciously because of your fear, anxiety and nervousness.  And it’s what I’m covering in this episode, because it’s a topic that comes up often when I’m […]

How To Stop Overthinking And Start Relaxing

How To Stop Overthinking And Start Relaxing How To Stop Overthinking And Start Relaxing

Listen Now: Do You Overthink Everything? Did I leave the oven on?  Is he ever going to call me?  What am I going to say to my boss during our important meeting tomorrow?  Does she ever think about me?  Why did I say something so stupid? I know you have thought at least one of […]

How To Recover From Burnout

How To Recover From Burnout How To Recover From Burnout

Listen Now: How To Recover from burnout Burnout is a state of emotional, physical and mental exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress. If you’re struggling with burnout, it can be difficult to see a way out of it, and it can have a negative impact on your mood, your motivation levels, your physical energy […]

How To Support A Loved One Struggling With Anxiety

How To Support A Loved One Struggling With Anxiety How To Support A Loved One Struggling With Anxiety

Listen Now: Show notes: Share this episode with your loved ones. It can feel difficult to help a family member or loved one who is struggling with anxiety.  You may not know the right things to do or say, and may even find that certain things you say can make things worse. In this episode […]

4 Tips To Cope With High-Functioning Anxiety

4 Tips To Cope With High-Functioning Anxiety 4 Tips To Cope With High-Functioning Anxiety

4 Tips To Cope With High-Functioning Anxiety When you struggle with high-functioning anxiety you are often doing pretty well externally, and you probably have pretty high expectations and standards for yourself, but it all comes at the expense of putting your needs last. And what comes first? These aren’t inherently bad things, many of them […]

Are you a high achiever who is feeling anxious and overwhelmed?

You might be struggling with high-functioning anxiety.

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