Tati Garcia

Top Mistakes People With High-Functioning Anxiety Make

Top Mistakes People With High-Functioning Anxiety Make Top Mistakes People With High-Functioning Anxiety Make

Listen Now: Coping with high functioning anxiety can be difficult because some of the behaviors that are causing you the most difficulty currently may have actually been the ones that have gotten you success and high achievement. It’s the double-edged sword of overworking, saying yes, and having high expectations that results in success and positive […]

Why You Need To Start Prioritizing Yourself First

Why You Need To Start Prioritizing Yourself First Why You Need To Start Prioritizing Yourself First

Listen Now: *Note: this is a podcast transcription so there may be errors in grammar. It’s not selfish to prioritize yourself first. It’s an act of self-love and communicating through your words and your actions that you matter, you are important and you are worthy of having your needs addressed. I’m going to be talking […]

My High-Functioning Anxiety Story

My High-Functioning Anxiety Story How I Overcame High-Functioning Anxiety

Show Notes: I’m challenging myself to share my personal story because I know it’s so important to be authentic and vulnerable in order to challenge the stigma surrounding mental health and the perfectly curated stories we constantly see on social media and the internet.  This episode is my personal high-functioning anxiety story. ++++++++ Calmly Coping […]

Avoid Burnout By Respecting Your Energy with Kezia Luckett

Avoid Burnout By Respecting Your Energy with Kezia Luckett Avoid Burnout By Respecting Your Energy with Kezia Luckett

Listen Now: Show Notes: Kezia Luckett is a Positive Psychologist, three times international best-selling author of “The Pay it Forward Series: Notes to My Younger Self” volume 1, 2 & 3 and the creator behind two revolutionary modalities, The Energy Code and Mind Conditioning Therapy. In this episode we discuss: Kezia’s experience going from burnout […]

Stop People-Pleasing And Start Speaking Up For Yourself

Stop People-Pleasing And Start Speaking Up For Yourself Stop People-Pleasing And Start Speaking Up For Yourself

Listen Now: Stop People-Pleasing And Start Speaking Up For Yourself: Show Notes A people-pleaser is “a person who has an emotional need to please others often at the expense of his or her own needs or desires.” Is it worth it to sacrifice your needs to make others happy?  If you struggle with difficulty saying […]

How To Unplug For Self-Care In Your Day-To-Day

How To Unplug For Self-Care In Your Day-To-Day How To Unplug For Self-Care In Your Day-To-Day

Listen Now: How To Unplug For Self-Care In Your Day-To-Day: Show Notes Is constantly being connected and plugged in harmful for your well-being and mental health?  Listen to this podcast episode to learn how to unplug to reconnect with yourself and improve your self-care in your day-to-day life. If you struggle with technology addiction or […]

5 Ways To Stop Your To-Do List Anxiety

5 Ways To Stop Your To-Do List Anxiety 5 Ways To Stop Your To-Do List Anxiety

Listen Now: Do you ever feel overwhelmed with the amount of tasks you have to complete?  Does your to-do list anxiety make you feel frazzled and frustrated? When you are prone to anxiety, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed with tasks, chores, events, people to contact, and other external influences in your life.  The […]

How To Face Your Fears With Confidence

How To Face Your Fears With Confidence How To Face Your Fears With Confidence

“Everyone is afraid of something. We fear things because we value them. We fear losing people because we love them. We fear dying because we value being alive. Don’t wish you didn’t fear anything. All that would mean is that you didn’t feel anything.” Cassandra Clare Listen now: Fear is a tricky emotion. Most people […]

3 Ways To Finally Overcome Self-Doubt

3 Ways To Finally Overcome Self-Doubt 3 Ways To Finally Overcome Self-Doubt

Listen Now: Tips To Push Through When Your Motivation Is Lacking I feel a pit in my stomach just thinking about it: self-doubt.  The lies we create in our heads that tell us that we just aren’t good enough.  I know them well, and I struggle with them often. Self-doubt is an entirely normal part […]

5 Tips To Improve Your Work-Life Balance

5 Tips To Improve Your Work-Life Balance 5 Tips To Improve Your Work-Life Balance

Listen Now: Yes, You Can Have Success In Both Your Career and Personal Life: Working full-time can be stressful.  On top of that you have family, a spouse, children, friends, exercise, and/or a second job (if you are an overachiever, or if you truly need the money).  How is there enough time to remain sane […]

Are you a high achiever who is feeling anxious and overwhelmed?

You might be struggling with high-functioning anxiety.

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