Tati Garcia

Why Your Anticipation Creates More Anxiety And How To Stop

Why Your Anticipation Creates More Anxiety And How To Stop Why Your Anticipation Creates More Anxiety And How To Stop

LISTEN NOW: Your Obsessive Planning Causes You More Stress Than Necessary Maybe you have experienced the stress and anxiety that occurs on a Sunday night.  You still have a few hours left to relax and prepare for the week ahead, but you feel stressed and rushed thinking about the week ahead.  This feeling can be […]

How To Stop Feeling Like You’re Not Good Enough

How To Stop Feeling Like You’re Not Good Enough How To Stop Feeling Like You’re Not Good Enough

Listen Now: Show Notes: In today’s episode, we’re going to talk about how to stop feeling like you’re not good enough.  If you struggle with feeling like you’re never good enough, perfect enough, and fear being a failure, then this episode is perfect for you. In this episode you will learn: 4 reasons why you […]

How To Save Yourself A Few Hours Every Week By Time Blocking

How To Save Yourself A Few Hours Every Week By Time Blocking

Listen Now: Show Notes: In today’s episode, we’re going to talk about how to save yourself a few hours every week by time blocking.  If you struggle with procrastination, having a high workload, and feeling like you never have enough time to get things done, then this episode is perfect for you. In this episode […]

Why Having High-Functioning Anxiety Leads To Burnout

Why Having High-Functioning Anxiety Leads To Burnout

Listen Now: Show Notes: In today’s episode, we’re going to talk about why high-functioning anxiety is a breeding ground for burnout, and what you can do about it.  If you struggle with high-functioning anxiety and are feeling burnt-out, or fear that you’re heading towards burnout, then this episode is perfect for you. In this episode […]

How To Cope With Health Anxiety

How To Cope With Health Anxiety

Listen Now: Show Notes: In today’s episode, we’re going to talk about health anxiety (previously referred to as hypochondriasis), something that has been exacerbated or brought about in many by the COVID-19 pandemic.  I’m going to discuss what it is, and my suggestions for how to cope with it. In this episode you will learn: […]

6 Easy Tips To Calm Your Mind From Anxiety

6 Easy Tips To Calm Your Mind From Anxiety

Listen Now: Show Notes: In today’s episode, we’re going to talk about 6 easy tips (+1 bonus tip!) to help calm your mind from anxiety.  Anxiety can feel really uncomfortable in the moment and when you start worrying and overthinking more– it can just make things worse! Knowing a few coping skills you can use […]

25 Year-End Reflection Questions For Emotional Wellness

25 Year-End Reflection Questions For Emotional Wellness

Listen to the podcast episode reflecting on 2022 and planning for 2023: Reflective Questions To Help You Review This Past Year The end of one year and the beginning of the next brings a time for a fresh start and renewed motivation for your goals.  A lot happens in a year!  Although it can seem […]

How To REALLY Disconnect From Work

How To REALLY Disconnect From Work

Listen Now: How To REALLY Disconnect From Work Do you struggle with fully disconnecting from work? Is it hard to turn off your mind and let go of the thoughts, stress, and pressure that come from your responsibilities? You’re not alone- it can be very difficult to disconnect from work, especially if you struggle with […]

8 Types Of Self-Care You Need When You Have Anxiety

8 Types Of Self-Care You Need When You Have Anxiety 8 Types Of Self-Care You Need When You Have Anxiety

Listen now: What are the best self-care practices for decreasing anxiety? Self Care isn’t just face masks and bubble baths. Self Care is the act of protecting your well-being and happiness, which includes caring for your physical health, setting boundaries, social relationships, and more. The Categories Of Self-Care There are eight different general categories of […]

Are You Processing Your Emotions In A Healthy Way?

Are You Processing Your Emotions In A Healthy Way?

Listen Now:   When you’re not processing your emotions in a healthy way, it can result in you staying stuck in emotions for hours, days, or even weeks! If you’re staying stuck in emotions for a long time, and you find that you don’t know what to do about it, or if you find that […]

Are you a high achiever who is feeling anxious and overwhelmed?

You might be struggling with high-functioning anxiety.

Take the free high-functioning anxiety quiz by clicking below to find out. (You’ll also get personalized tips & resources!)