Tati Garcia

8 Signs Your Emotions Are Controlling You

8 Signs Your Emotions Are Controlling You

Listen Now: Are your emotions controlling you? Your emotions may be controlling your behaviors under the surface, without you even realizing it! If you’re struggling with feeling like your emotions might be controlling your actions, moods, relationships and work, then keep on reading. Emotions are an inherent part of being human. Yet, it’s so common […]

What Is The Key To Less Stress?

What Is The Key To Less Stress?

Listen Now: Learning This Will Help You Manage Stress Levels: Everybody experiences stress. It is a product of difficult situations, people, and circumstances. Stress is a response to something or someone in your environment. Stress is not the thing that happens, but it is your response to it. A stressor is the thing that occurs […]

The Best Ways To Get Organized With High-Functioning Anxiety

The Best Ways To Get Organized With High-Functioning Anxiety

Listen Now: Show Notes: When you have clutter everywhere… it can feel overwhelming and stressful.  The same applies when you have digital and mental clutter. If you’re feeling overwhelmed with all of the tasks, thoughts, and ideas running through your mind and having difficulty getting organized without over-analyzing things, then this episode is perfect for […]

Exercising To Decrease Anxiety & How To Make It A Habit

Exercising To Decrease Anxiety & How To Make It A Habit

Listen Now: Show Notes: Exercise is about more than just losing weight and getting into physical shape.  Exercise is massively important for your mental health and for decreasing anxiety, and in this podcast episode I’m going to share why, along with my top 4 tips for how to make exercising a regular habit! In this […]

Ayurveda For Anxiety & Digestion with Lindsey Varney

Ayurveda For Anxiety & Digestion with Lindsey Varney

Listen Now: Ayurveda For Anxiety & Digestion with Lindsey Varney: Show Notes In this episode I’m speaking with Lindsey Varney, an Ayurvedic lifestyle coach, all about how the food you eat and the awareness you bring to your daily life has an impact on your mental health. Lindsey talks about her struggles with anxiety and […]

Signs You Are Self-Sabotaging And What To Do About It

Signs You Are Self-Sabotaging And What To Do About It

Listen Now: Signs You Are Self-Sabotaging And What To Do About It: Show Notes Self-sabotage is when you get in your own way and prevent yourself from truly working towards the goals you have for yourself, your relationships, your health, career, education, or any other important goal. If you have been struggling to reach your […]

Conquer Procrastination

Conquer Procrastination

Listen Now: Conquer Procrastination: Interview with Nadalie Bardo: Show Notes Are you sick of always procrastinating and waiting until the last minute to get things done? In this episode, I interview Nadalie Bardo.  Nadalie is here to help you slay your goals, so you can pursue your boss life with confidence + action.  Her first […]

Empowering Yourself To Practice Self-Care

Empowering Yourself To Practice Self-Care

Listen Now: Empowering Yourself To Practice Self-Care: Interview with Kerri: Show Notes Kerri is an online coach for female solopreneurs who want to travel the world and become digital nomads.  In this episode, you will learn all about Kerri’s incredible journey from an “anxiety-ridden waitress” who was psychiatrically hospitalized at her lowest point, to becoming […]

5 Steps To Cope With Feeling OVERWHELMED

5 Steps To Cope With Feeling OVERWHELMED 5 Steps To Cope With Feeling OVERWHELMED

5 Steps To Cope With Feeling Overwhelmed When you’re overwhelmed, it can make it difficult to focus, get things done, think properly, and get motivated. If you struggle with feeling overwhelmed with tasks, responsibilities, thoughts, and emotions, then this episode is perfect for you. In this episode, you will learn: Mentioned in episode: Emotions wheel: […]

How To Stop Overthinking At Night

How To Stop Overthinking At Night

Listen Now: How To Stop Overthinking At Night: Show Notes When you have difficulty getting to sleep at night, it can be so frustrating.  You probably wish you could just lie down at night and sleep, but your thoughts won’t stop and sleep feels elusive. If you struggle with endless thoughts keeping you up at […]

Are you a high achiever who is feeling anxious and overwhelmed?

You might be struggling with high-functioning anxiety.

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