Tati Garcia

Are Your Coping Skills Helping You Or Hurting You?

Are Your Coping Skills Helping You Or Hurting You? Are Your Coping Skills Helping You Or Hurting You?

Listen here: Are Your Coping Skills Helping You Or Hurting You: Show Notes Coping skills are incredibly useful for dealing with anxiety and all of the things that might come up when you have anxiety: overthinking, difficulty breathing, panic attacks, negative thoughts, worries, muscle tension, the list goes on…. So coping skills are good…. Right? […]

How To Calm Your Anxious Thoughts Immediately

How To Calm Your Anxious Thoughts Immediately How To Calm Your Anxious Thoughts Immediately

Listen Here: How To Calm Your Anxious Thoughts Immediately: Show Notes Overthinking, wandering thoughts, negative thoughts, worrying, and thinking of the worst-case scenario are all big problems that can make you feel so out of control and so uncomfortable.  This episode you are going to learn my top and most effective tips for calming anxious […]

Why Do You Have Anxiety?

Why Do You Have Anxiety? Why Do You Have Anxiety?

Listen here: Anxiety Show Notes: Calmly Coping is an actionable self-improvement podcast for anxious overthinkers. I’m your host, Tatiana Garcia, and I’m a licensed counselor in private practice specializing in anxiety treatment. Do you appear calm and collected on the outside, but on the inside you are struggling, doubting, and overthinking? Calmly Coping is not […]

Why Your Habits Change During Quarantine (And Times Of Stress)

Why Your Habits Change During Quarantine (And Times Of Stress) Why Your Habits Change During Quarantine (And Times Of Stress)

It’s no surprise that the world is currently experiencing a period of increased stress and uncertainty.  And that stress can have a negative impact on your habits during quarantine. Whether you subscribe to the phrase, “we’re all in this together” or not… the answer is clear that this stress is impacting the majority of people […]

How To Deal When Your Expectations Are FAR From Reality

How To Deal When Your Expectations Are FAR From Reality How To Deal When Your Expectations Are FAR From Reality

I’m sure you’ve seen those expectation vs. reality memes out there, and I’m not gonna lie… they’re pretty funny. The truth is, reality doesn’t always meet your expectations. You might have expectations to workout 5 days a week, and in reality you’re probably going to miss some days. You might have expectations for your significant […]

Why You Need To Practice Self-Care Now

Why You Need To Practice Self-Care Now Why You Need To Practice Self-Care Now

Now is the most important time to practice self-care.  You deserve it more than ever, especially during a time of increased stress, anxiety, and uncertainty. Think of your mental wellness as being on a continuum.  When things are going well externally and you have stability and normalcy, you are at a baseline level of mental […]

How To Keep Calm (& Productive) While Working From Home

How To Keep Calm (& Productive) While Working From Home How To Keep Calm (& Productive) While Working From Home

Has the state of the world now resulted in you working from home?  This can be a huge adjustment if you are used to the routine of having a commute, actually leaving your home, and having a clear separation between your space for relaxation/personal time and your space for work. Before the quarantine, I worked […]

Why This Is The Perfect Time To Start A Morning Routine (And How)

Why This Is The Perfect Time To Start A Morning Routine (And How) Why This Is The Perfect Time To Start A Morning Routine (And How)

Picture this: you wake up for the day feeling refreshed, step out of bed, and look at the sunlight pouring in through your window.  Instead of rushing to jump in the shower and start work, you take your time and do the things that light you up. You prepare your coffee and enjoy it while […]

How To Keep Calm And Cope With Panic

How To Keep Calm And Cope With Panic How To Keep Calm And Cope With Panic

Panic feels very real and very scary.  It is your body on overdrive… a culmination of external circumstances and internal thoughts. Your body is triggered into a state of fight or flight whether or not the danger is real.  Your heart starts beating faster and faster, it becomes harder to breathe, your chest and throat […]

How To Positively Cope During A Pandemic

How To Positively Cope During A Pandemic How To Positively Cope During A Pandemic

Life as we knew it has changed for the time being.  People all over the country have been asked to self-quarantine, socially distance, cancel events, work from home, and close their businesses as a result of the coronavirus. I am still trying to wrap my head around all of this, and I imagine many of […]

Are you a high achiever who is feeling anxious and overwhelmed?

You might be struggling with high-functioning anxiety.

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