Tati Garcia

8 Habits To Do Daily To Calm Down When You Have Anxiety

8 Habits To Do Daily To Calm Down When You Have Anxiety

Listen To The Podcast Episode: 8 Daily Habits To Calm Anxiety & Overwhelm Download the free checklist with my 8 daily habits to decrease anxiety + a habit tracker. By filling out the form above, you also agree to receive my newsletter with high-functioning anxiety resources and tips.  Your information is kept private and you […]

Why Is Play So Important For Adults?

Why Is Play So Important For Adults?

Sometimes, it’s easy for me to forget about the importance of having fun.  It’s all too easy to get sucked into responsibility, financial obligations, work, being productive, and getting things done.  That’s what it means to be an adult.  I mean, the idea of thinking about play for adults is… immature to say the least.  […]

How To Stop Procrastinating… Right Now

How To Stop Procrastinating… Right Now

Listen now: I am currently fighting the urge to procrastinate when it comes to writing this post.  It is so easy to tell yourself that you will get to it later: after I check my email, after I check social media, let me just watch this quick YouTube video… I’ll have more motivation after I […]

How To Slow Down And Appreciate Your Life

How To Slow Down And Appreciate Your Life

Do you ever get so caught up with life that you wonder, “Where did the day go?” or, “Where did the month go?” or, “Summer is over already??”  This happens because you are so busy doing that you forget how to just be. Learning how to slow down can be challenging, especially for those of […]

Resiliency: How to Positively Cope With Trauma

Resiliency: How to Positively Cope With Trauma

What Is Resiliency? Coping with the loss of a loved one, a sexual assault, witnessing violence, or being the victim of abuse are but a few of the many experiences that can be considered traumatic.  Changes in your mood, behavior, and thoughts are normal after experiencing or witnessing trauma, but they do not have to […]

Having A Morning Routine Can Improve Your Life Satisfaction

Having A Morning Routine Can Improve Your Life Satisfaction Having A Morning Routine Can Improve Your Life Satisfaction

“Routine” makes it sound boring, but I often go to sleep at night looking forward to my morning routine to start my day off right.  It does not necessarily have to be a strict schedule that is followed exactly the same everyday.  The beauty in it is that you can adjust it based on how […]

The Simple Guide to Journaling

The Simple Guide to Journaling

Keeping a journal can be incredibly therapeutic; there is no doubt about it.  Numerous studies have found that journaling has the following benefits: Long-term improvements in mood Decreases stress Decreases anxiety and depression Increases immunity (makes you less likely to get sick, fight specific diseases, and helps physical wounds heal faster) Aids in processing traumatic […]

Disconnect To Reconnect: Unplug For Increased Happiness

Disconnect To Reconnect: Unplug For Increased Happiness Disconnect To Reconnect: Unplug For Increased Happiness

Is constantly being connected and plugged in harmful for your well-being and mental health?  Keep reading to learn how to disconnect to reconnect to increase your happiness. These days, technology and media are ubiquitous.  It can be hard to find a moment free from distractions, notifications, social media, and others around you wavering in and […]

How To Cope With Anxious Negative Thoughts

How To Cope With Anxious Negative Thoughts

Your anxious negative thoughts are not factual.  In fact, they are often based on limiting beliefs, negative patterns of thinking, or fears.  As humans, we have a negativity bias.  This means that we are more likely to notice and remember negative experiences and thoughts.  This can be beneficial as a form of protection, because it […]

Are you a high achiever who is feeling anxious and overwhelmed?

You might be struggling with high-functioning anxiety.

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