Tati Garcia

A Step-By-Step Guide To Conquer Any Difficult Conversation

A Step-By-Step Guide To Conquer Any Difficult Conversation

5 Steps To Present Your Case And Be The Most Persuasive There comes a time when you are going to be faced with the dilemma of being unhappy with the way things currently are, or you are going to have to muster up the courage to have a difficult conversation with somebody. If you approach […]

Minimalism For Anxiety Relief

Minimalism For Anxiety Relief

How Decluttering Can Help With Anxiety Relief What Is Minimalism? Minimalism involves having as few belongings as possible and that’s it- right?  Well, according to Becoming Minimalist: Minimalism is intentionality. It is marked by clarity, purpose, and intentionality. At its core, minimalism is the intentional promotion of the things we most value and the removal […]

5 Tips To Stop Anxiety From Keeping You Up At Night

5 Tips To Stop Anxiety From Keeping You Up At Night

Start Getting More Restful Sleep Do your racing thoughts make it difficult to get to sleep at night?  Do you wake up in the middle of the night fearful and then you have trouble falling asleep again? Having difficulty sleeping is a common symptom of anxiety.  This includes trouble falling asleep, and waking up in […]

The Necessity Of Simplifying Your Life

The Necessity Of Simplifying Your Life

How Identifying Your Values Can Help With Overwhelm And Simplifying Your Life Simplifying your life is the answer to overwhelm.  It may seem straightforward- overwhelm is when you are inundated with too many thoughts, tasks, responsibilities, goals, priorities, etcetera, etcetera. So the solution is to cut the clutter, reduce the tasks, simplify the responsibilities, and […]

What Are The Best Relaxation Techniques For Anxiety?

What Are The Best Relaxation Techniques For Anxiety? What Are The Best Relaxation Techniques For Anxiety?

Tips To Help You Cultivate More Calm In Your Life When you’re feeling anxious, it can be hard to tell yourself (or hear from others) to calm down.  You may know that you probably should calm down… but you are busy freaking out or stressing out or panicking over something else. How do you stop […]

10 Ways Gratitude Improves Your Happiness

10 Ways Gratitude Improves Your Happiness

Listen Now: Free Daily Gratitude Printable + Weekly high-functioning anxiety tips! Plus 4 Tips On How To Practice Gratitude Gratitude is a feeling of appreciation or thanks to which there are many benefits.  How many times have you been told to be more grateful?  Or maybe you wished you could be more grateful yourself but […]

How To Stop Letting Other People’s Emotions Affect You

How To Stop Letting Other People’s Emotions Affect You How To Stop Letting Other People’s Emotions Affect You

The Complete Guide To Your Emotions: Part 3 Nobody is responsible for the emotions you feel except for you… right?  In theory it seems to be true, but in action it is sometimes so difficult to not let the emotions of others have an influence on you.  This concept is referred to as emotional contagion, […]

How To Stop Letting Your Emotions Control You

How To Stop Letting Your Emotions Control You How To Stop Letting Your Emotions Control You

The Complete Guide To Your Emotions: Part 2 Sometimes, emotions can leave us feeling helpless, vulnerable, and as though we do not have control over what we do or think.  I can guarantee you that nobody likes feeling this way.  But is it possible to learn how to control your emotions? Each and every person […]

What Are Your Emotions Really Telling You?

What Are Your Emotions Really Telling You? What Are Your Emotions Really Telling You?

The Complete Guide To Your Emotions: Part 1 Emotions are complicated.  In fact, emotions are so complicated that “there is currently no scientific consensus on a definition.” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emotion Emotions help us respond to the world around us, and set into motion diverse response systems in our bodies.  The experience of an emotion is a process […]

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