Tati Garcia

How to Stop Taking Out Your Stress on Loved Ones

How to Stop Taking Out Your Stress on Loved Ones How to Stop Taking Out Your Stress on Loved Ones

Have you ever found yourself caught in a cycle of taking out your stress and frustration on the ones you love? Maybe you’re familiar with the guilt that follows, yet the pattern seems challenging to break. It’s a common struggle—one that impacts relationships and takes a toll on your well-being. In today’s episode, we’re diving […]

How I Maintain Work-Life Balance As A Work From Home Entrepreneur

How I Maintain Work-Life Balance As A Work From Home Entrepreneur How I Maintain Work-Life Balance As An Entrepreneur Who Works From Home

As an entrepreneur who works from home, it is very important for me to maintain certain boundaries in order to protect my time, energy, mental health, and relationships and so I can put my best into both my career and my personal life. This is something that I have refined over the years since I […]

What To Do When You Can’t Sleep (because of overthinking)

What To Do When You Can’t Sleep (because of overthinking) What To Do When You Can’t Sleep (because of overthinking)

We all know how important sleep is to help us function better in our daily lives: to have improved focus, energy, and motivation. But did you know that sleep is also incredibly important for your mental health? Sleep deprivation is associated with an increase in anxiety and depressive symptoms, including an increase in expecting the […]

9 Subtle Signs of High-Functioning Anxiety

9 Subtle Signs of High-Functioning Anxiety 9 Subtle Signs of High-Functioning Anxiety

High-functioning anxiety isn’t always just incessant overthinking or sleepless nights; sometimes, it shows up as the constant need to prove your worth, the subtle self-comparisons, or the relentless planning. These, often ever-present, behaviors and ways of thinking can be manifestations of your high-functioning anxiety. I’m a firm believer that awareness and understanding can help you […]

When It Never Feels Good Enough

When It Never Feels Good Enough When It Never Feels Good Enough: The Double-Edged Sword of Ambition

When you’re ambitious, you can find yourself caught in a perpetual cycle of striving for more, pushing boundaries, and yet, despite all accomplishments, wrestling with a nagging feeling of inadequacy and needing to achieve more. Why does each achievement feel like a fleeting victory rather than a lasting satisfaction? If you’ve ever felt the weight […]

Do You Put Too Much Pressure On Yourself? (Learn how to stop)

Do You Put Too Much Pressure On Yourself? (Learn how to stop) Do You Put Too Much Pressure On Yourself? (Learn how to stop)

Everybody puts pressure on themselves at one time or another. Pressure to be a better person, be healthier, do more work, be a better wife, husband, parent, the list goes on. But how much of this pressure is healthy, and how much of it just results in more stress, tension, and anxiety? In this episode, […]

The Mask of High-Functioning Anxiety

The Mask of High-Functioning Anxiety The Mask of High-Functioning Anxiety

Those with high-functioning anxiety wear a mask of calm, perfectionism, success, and busyness on the outside to shroud the torrent of overthinking, self-doubt, overanalyzing, fear of failure, and insecurity on the inside. This mask often stays in place because the fear of “what if’s” keeps it there— what if I’m really not good enough? What […]

9 Essential Mindset Shifts for Perfectionists

9 Essential Mindset Shifts for Perfectionists 9 Essential Mindset Shifts for Perfectionists

Perfectionism can be a double-edged sword: on the one hand, your high expectations and attention to detail can result in high quality work that is admired by others; on the other hand, your constant need for perfection can be exhausting— resulting in overthinking, overanalyzing, and being extremely hard on yourself. In this episode, I’ll be […]

You Don’t Need to EARN Relaxation

You Don’t Need to EARN Relaxation You Don’t Need to EARN Relaxation

“I’ll rest when I finish this project… when I’m done with work for the day… when I’ve checked everything off my to-do list…” Sound familiar? You might have learned to believe that you need to EARN rest and relaxation, which can make it difficult to actually relax when you need to. When will you have […]

Achieving Success Without Sacrificing Your Mental Health

Achieving Success Without Sacrificing Your Mental Health Achieving Success Without Sacrificing Your Mental Health

Hustle culture. “I’ll sleep when I’m dead.” The expectation to work all hours of the day now that we can access work from anywhere. These are just a few things that have contributed to declines in mental health in workers, whether you are employed or self-employed. It’s the expectation that you must constantly be doing […]

Are you a high achiever who is feeling anxious and overwhelmed?

You might be struggling with high-functioning anxiety.

Take the free high-functioning anxiety quiz by clicking below to find out. (You’ll also get personalized tips & resources!)