Tati Garcia

Doubting yourself? This is for you.

Doubting yourself? This is for you. Doubting yourself? This is for you.

Are you experiencing the incessant internal monologue of self-doubt? It’s those negative thoughts that feed off of your insecurities and make you feel as though you can never do anything good or right. Self-doubt is when you lack confidence in yourself and your abilities, and it can sometimes be hard to ignore, resulting in a […]

5 Tips to Overcome Performance Anxiety

5 Tips to Overcome Performance Anxiety 5 Tips to Overcome Performance Anxiety

Performance anxiety: it’s the psychological and physical nervousness that occurs before and during a performance of any kind that can make it more challenging to focus, do your best, and feel confident in yourself. Performance anxiety affects up to 20% of Americans, including individuals who perform for a living and those who are in positions […]

You’re not lazy. You’re burnt out.

You’re not lazy. You’re burnt out. You’re not lazy. You’re burnt out.

In our hyper-productive culture, it can be incredibly easy to confuse being burnt out for laziness, because they can feel like one and the same. The problem is… it’s okay and necessary to be lazy every once in a while, but being in a state of burnout is NOT okay and is ultimately unsustainable, potentially […]

Are You Afraid of Success?

Are You Afraid of Success? Are You Afraid of Success?

You may be familiar with the fear of failure, but have you ever considered that you could be afraid of success? You might struggle with the fear of success, or “achievemephobia”, if you worry about the potential consequences that come with success: more exposure, more responsibility, more expectations, more pressure, the fear of maintaining it, […]

Guided Meditation for Overachievers (Achieve Calm & Relaxation)

Guided Meditation for Overachievers (Achieve Calm & Relaxation) Guided Meditation for Overachievers (Achieve Calm and Relaxation)

This episode is a calming guided meditation for overachievers. This simple 6-minute exercise can be done in any location where you feel safe to close your eyes and be undisturbed for about 6 minutes. This guided meditation will be helpful for you if you are a high-achieving person who is feeling stressed, tense, anxious, or […]

STOP Your To-Do List From Controlling Your Life

STOP Your To-Do List From Controlling Your Life STOP Your To-Do List From Controlling Your Life

Are you the kind of type A, organized person who loves your to-do lists? And yet you sometimes find yourself also resenting your to-do list, feeling overwhelmed and controlled by it and as though you cannot relax until everything is checked off. In this episode, you will learn actionable as well as mindset tips to […]

How To Transition Back To Work After Vacation

How To Transition Back To Work After Vacation How To Transition Back To Work After Vacation

We’ve all been there: you have a relaxing and rejuvenating vacation (or even a stay-cation), and as your time off comes to a close you start experiencing anxiety and dread about returning to work.  You want to hold onto this feeling of joy and being nourished by rest, but you worry that you will just be […]

How I Manage My High-Functioning Anxiety

How I Manage My High-Functioning Anxiety How I Manage My High-Functioning Anxiety

Hi, my name is Tati and I’m an overachiever with high-functioning anxiety. I can say that I have overcome my high-functioning anxiety because it is no longer controlling me negatively in the way it used to, but if there is one thing we know about anxiety, it never goes away 100%. That’s because anxiety can […]

Are You Addicted To Work? (Workaholism)

Are You Addicted To Work? (Workaholism) Are You Addicted To Work? (Workaholism)

Do you spend most of your time working? Is it hard for you to disconnect from work and do you feel a compulsive urge to work and get more done, even when you know you should be relaxing or spending time with loved ones? Workaholism affects about 1/3 of the working population and can have […]

Feeling Unmotivated? This Is For You.

Feeling Unmotivated? This Is For You. Feeling Unmotivated? This Is For You.

Feeling Unmotivated? This Is For You. Do you just feel like doing nothing? Maybe you know you have so many things you should be doing… but it feels overwhelming and like dragging your feet to even get started. Everything in your mind and body is telling you to stop, when you know you should be […]

Are you a high achiever who is feeling anxious and overwhelmed?

You might be struggling with high-functioning anxiety.

Take the free high-functioning anxiety quiz by clicking below to find out. (You’ll also get personalized tips & resources!)