Tati Garcia

How To Calm Your Mind As A High-Achiever

How To Calm Your Mind As A High-Achiever How To Calm Your Mind As A High-Achiever

How To Calm Your Mind As A High-Achiever This is for you if you overthink things, struggle with being too hard on yourself, and have difficulty relaxing. In this episode, I’ll share how to transform your worry, self-doubt, and overwhelm into clarity, confidence, and ease so you can achieve your dreams with ease and become […]

Mistakes I’ve Made In My Career With High-Functioning Anxiety

Mistakes I’ve Made In My Career With High-Functioning Anxiety Mistakes I’ve Made In My Career As A Person With High-Functioning Anxiety

Mistakes I’ve Made In My Career As A Person With High-Functioning Anxiety We all make mistakes, they are an essential part of learning and growing. Mistakes aren’t something to be feared, but something to be recognized and utilized as information to help you understand yourself better and improve in the future. In this episode, I’ll […]

Why You Overthink Everything

Why You Overthink Everything Why You Overthink Everything

Why You Overthink Everything The #1 struggle I hear from my listeners is that they struggle with overthinking everything. But you might not realize WHY you actually overthink things and how that affects you. In this episode, I’ll be sharing some reasons behind your overthinking so you can understand the root cause and finally stop. […]

10 Powerful Tips To Overcome High-Functioning Anxiety

10 Powerful Tips To Overcome High-Functioning Anxiety 10 Powerful Tips To Overcome High-Functioning Anxiety

If you’re somebody with high-functioning anxiety, you might be struggling with overthinking, putting tons of pressure on yourself, feeling overwhelm and self-doubt on the inside, while on the outside you appear successful, hardworking, detail-oriented, and calm. It can feel exhausting to keep up this façade. So in this post, I’ll be sharing straightforward, yet super […]

What To Do When Everything Feels Urgent

What To Do When Everything Feels Urgent What To Do When Everything Feels Urgent: Coping With Hurry Sickness

What To Do When Everything Feels Urgent: Coping With Hurry Sickness As I was researching for this episode I discovered the phrase hurry sickness, which I honestly had never heard of before… but once I started reading about it I knew it was all too familiar. Hurry sickness is “characterized by chronic rushing and anxiousness […]

Create A Calming Daily Routine For High-Functioning Anxiety

Create A Calming Daily Routine For High-Functioning Anxiety Create A Calming Daily Routine For High-Functioning Anxiety

Create A Calming Daily Routine For High-Functioning Anxiety The things you do every day influence your mood and your mental health. And many times when we’re in our busy, high-achieving lives we can be on auto-pilot, not stopping to make intentional choices or even have an awareness of the choices we are making. That’s when […]

New Year Reflection Questions For Emotional Wellness

New Year Reflection Questions For Emotional Wellness New Year Reflection Questions For Emotional Wellness

New Year Reflection Questions For Emotional Wellness In this episode, we’ll be exploring questions to help you wrap up and reflect upon the last year while helping you plan for the new year ahead. This can be an excellent practice to help give you perspective on the past year (because it can be so common […]

How To Take Breaks That Are Actually Recharging

How To Take Breaks That Are Actually Recharging How To Take Breaks That Are Actually Recharging

How To Take Breaks That Are Actually Recharging Are you even taking breaks? And if so… do they help you feel reenergized, nourished, and ready to keep going? Or are you left feeling drained, scatterbrained, and overwhelmed? Taking breaks (no matter how short) is essential to properly manage your energy and emotions so you can […]

How To Prioritize Yourself Without Being Selfish

How To Prioritize Yourself Without Being Selfish How To Prioritize Yourself Without Being Selfish

How To Prioritize Yourself Without Being Selfish “Is it selfish to prioritize yourself? I don’t want other people to view me as being selfish or inconsiderate…” These are the things I hear from so many of my clients and students with high-functioning anxiety because they have been taught that it’s selfish to take care of […]

Building Emotional Intelligence and Authenticity the Punk Rock Way

Building Emotional Intelligence and Authenticity the Punk Rock Way Building Emotional Intelligence and Authenticity the Punk Rock Way with Dr. J.J. Kelly

Building Emotional Intelligence and Authenticity the Punk Rock Way with Dr. J.J. Kelly In this episode, I spoke with Dr. J.J. Kelly, Licensed Clinical Psychologist & Emotional Intelligence Skills Training Expert & Consultant. In this episode, we discuss Dr. J.J.’s unorthodox approach to treating mental health, including the importance of emotional intelligence and what it […]

Are you a high achiever who is feeling anxious and overwhelmed?

You might be struggling with high-functioning anxiety.

Take the free high-functioning anxiety quiz by clicking below to find out. (You’ll also get personalized tips & resources!)