Tati Garcia

Why Your Need For Control Is Actually A Consequence Of Anxiety

Why Your Need For Control Is Actually A Consequence Of Anxiety Why Your Need For Control Is Actually A Consequence Of Your Anxiety

Why Your Need For Control Is Actually A Consequence Of Your Anxiety Do you feel anxious and overwhelmed when things don’t go according to plan? Do you find yourself wanting to plan out every little detail, and feel uncomfortable letting go of control? Anxiety can result in behaviors such as feeling a need for control, […]

How To Cope With Feeling Misunderstood When You Have HFA

How To Cope With Feeling Misunderstood When You Have HFA How To Cope With Feeling Misunderstood When You Have High-Functioning Anxiety

How To Cope With Feeling Misunderstood When You Have High-Functioning Anxiety It’s common to feel misunderstood when you have high-functioning anxiety. First of all, not many people know or understand what it is. And second of all, because your struggles are hidden within you, people may not recognize what is really going on for you […]

What To Do When It’s Hard For You To Ask For Help

What To Do When It’s Hard For You To Ask For Help What To Do When It’s Hard For You To Ask For Help

What To Do When It’s Hard For You To Ask For Help When you’re a high-achiever, you can often feel like you can and should do it all. And when you combine that with having high-functioning anxiety, it can feel scary to ask for help because you don’t want to appear incompetent, and you don’t […]

High-Functioning Social Anxiety: What It Is & How To Cope With It

High-Functioning Social Anxiety: What It Is & How To Cope With It High-Functioning Social Anxiety: What Is It And How Can You Cope With It?

High-Functioning Social Anxiety: What Is It And How Can You Cope With It Do you avoid phone calls, small talk, public speaking, or other social situations because you feel anxious? If so, how do you know whether or not you might have social anxiety, and whether or not it is high-functioning? In this episode, I’ll […]

How Social Media Affects High-Functioning Anxiety

How Social Media Affects High-Functioning Anxiety How Social Media Affects High-Functioning Anxiety

How Social Media Affects High-Functioning Anxiety Social media and being perpetually connected have become pervasive parts of our society that are inevitably impacting our mental health as a whole… and this probably includes you too. In this episode, I’ll be talking about how social media influences HFA and what you can do about it, in […]

The Relationship Between Trauma and High-Functioning Anxiety

The Relationship Between Trauma and High-Functioning Anxiety The Relationship Between Trauma and High-Functioning Anxiety

The Relationship Between Trauma and High-Functioning Anxiety About 50-60% of the population has experienced at least one trauma in their lives. Trauma can have short-term and long-term effects on your mental health. What are the signs and symptoms of trauma? Is high-functioning anxiety linked to trauma? And if so, what can you do about it? […]

The Beginner’s Guide to High-Functioning Anxiety

The Beginner’s Guide to High-Functioning Anxiety The Beginner's Guide to High-Functioning Anxiety

The Beginner’s Guide to High-Functioning Anxiety High-functioning anxiety isn’t just “the way you are.” It’s possible to get to a point where the fear, anxiety, and insecurity no longer run your life and you can feel calm, balanced, and confident from within. In this beginner’s guide to high-functioning anxiety, you will learn the basics about […]

Ditching The “All or Nothing” Approach With Your Nutrition

Ditching The “All or Nothing” Approach With Your Nutrition Ditching The "All or Nothing” Approach With Your Health & Nutrition with Dr. Jessie Hehmeyer

Ditching The “All or Nothing” Approach With Your Health & Nutrition with Dr. Jessie Hehmeyer In this episode, I spoke with Dr. Jessie Hehmeyer, the physician founder of Well Empowered where she practices data-driven, outcome-oriented Functional Medicine. In this episode, we discuss how you can improve your lifestyle and nutrition to positively benefit your health […]

How To ACTUALLY Stick With Your Healthy Habits

How To ACTUALLY Stick With Your Healthy Habits How To ACTUALLY Stick With Your Healthy Habits

How To ACTUALLY Stick With Your Healthy Habits So many of the high-achievers I work with are amazing at doing well when it comes to their work, but struggle when it comes to ACTUALLY sticking to the healthy habits they want to create for themselves. It becomes oh so easy to relegate these habits to […]

Becoming Emotional Badasses As Empaths with HFA

Becoming Emotional Badasses As Empaths with HFA Becoming Emotional Badasses As Empaths With High-Functioning Anxiety with Nikki Eisenhauer

Becoming Emotional Badasses As Empaths With High-Functioning Anxiety with Nikki Eisenhauer In this episode, I’m speaking with Nikki Eisenhauer, a Professional Psychotherapist, International Life Coach, Yoga Teacher, and Host of the podcast, Emotional Badass: Where Moxie Meets Mindful. In 2017, she launched the podcast to spread healing, empowerment, and hope to Highly Sensitive People (HSPs), […]

Are you a high achiever who is feeling anxious and overwhelmed?

You might be struggling with high-functioning anxiety.

Take the free high-functioning anxiety quiz by clicking below to find out. (You’ll also get personalized tips & resources!)